Why Didn't Anyone Tell Drivers Without Tickets In 3 Years About This?

Here’s the new rule by the current government:
If You:
– Are Over 30 Years Old
– Live In An Eligible Zip Code
– Are Currently Insured
Then you could qualify for some of the biggest auto discounts the country has seen in the last 12 years. If you haven’t had any traffic tickets in the past 3 years or serious driving infractions, then you may get an even bigger discount.
Has your insurance provider made the effort to inform you of this?
Jane’s insurance provider did not.
After she and her husband retired from the post office, she wanted to save aside some cash for paying bills. Her old boss was great with money so she asked for advice.
He looked at her bills and discovered that she was paying three times as much for insurance even though she drove less and received fewer fines than he did. He told her to address this right away.
Andrew, her husband, generally paid all the insurance bills, but he was sick with the flu and unable to make phone calls. Jane was forced to figure this one out on her own.
Jane typed in her zip code and was shocked to discover how much more expensive her local insurance provider had become over the previous eight years.
"I lowered our insurance rate by 62% as a result. I cancelled my previous insurance because they never even bothered to let me know I qualified for a lower rate. I only wish I had been aware of this rule earlier." — Jane
When adult drivers visit reputable sites, they receive an unbiased assessment of the best prices in their location, INCLUDING any and all new regulations put in place by the President. According to recent data, you may save up to $607 year on your auto insurance.
Here is the lesson to be learned: ALWAYS compare insurance quotes on sites that are both unbiased AND feature the most recent auto regulations.
As the foremost experts on all things insurance, we made the decision to try this service, and after providing our zip code and driver details, we were astounded by the findings.

What is the one thing every driver needs to know? NEVER purchase insurance without first checking all available online discounts.
NOTE: You’re NEVER LOCKED into your current insurance, just so you know. You may easily cancel and get your money back even if you’ve already paid your bill.
Here’s How To Do It
Step 1: To find your new rate online right away, click your age below.
Step 2: You will have the chance to compare the top carrier quotes in your area for discounts after entering your zip code and answering a few questions.